Brewshot 1.0
Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Concrete Contracter:
Peter Jaquillard
For Brewshot, we installed the interior fascia of the service counter as a permanent object. Around this plywood and steel inner radius, a concrete fascia was cast in place.
Site casting concrete was important for the material property, as well as the porous and layered effects that a slow pour will draw out.
Framework was 2"x4" pine columns with 1/4" plywood subsurface.
Poured concrete was lightly vibrated for up to one minute. This process was reduced from a standard time for smooth concrete in order to retain air pockets and imperfections in the concrete.
Concrete was given two weeks to cure prior to the formwork being removed. The interior frame remains a support for the counter to this day.
Mr. Jaquillard and his team did an excellent job completing the project.